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What is AIDS? Give symptoms, diagnosis of AIDS virus and the controlmeasures of AIDS

 Ans. AIDS: Acquired immuno Deficiency Syndrome.

Causative Agent: HIV III (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus). During this disorder there is reduction in the number of Helper T-cells. T-cells activate or stimulate B-lymphocytes to produce the antibodies. It results in the loss of natural defence against viral infections.

Incubation period:---  The incubation period of AIDS is 15-57 months. Symptoms: AIDS sufferer has some lung disease and skin cancer. Nerves are damaged. Memory is lost. Inability to speak and think. WBC's are destroyed.

The-number of thrombocytes becomes less which may cause haemorrhage. Enlargement of lymph glands, loss of weight, fever etc. in most cases.

 Diagnosis:---  AIDS is detected by ELISA test (Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assey test) and western blood test.

Structure of AIDS virus:--  This is a retrovirus having RNA (genetic material) and reverse transcriptase enzyme. There 
is a glycoprotein coat, double layer of lipid membrane and two protein coats.

Prevention (control measures):----  No vaccine or medicine is known to be available against AIDS infection. It is a dreadful disease. It can be controlled by the following measures:---

. Avoid sexual contact with the infected  person.

.Use of disposable syringe and needle by doctors. 

. Screening of blood for HIV before transfusion of blood of needy persons in hospitals.

. Avoid prostitution and homosexuality. Make laws to ban.

Use of condom etc. during the intercourse.

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