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What is apiculture (Honey bees)? How is it important in our lives?

Ans :-  Apiculture is the rearing and maintenance of hives of honey bees
for the production of honey. It is an
age-old cottage industry. Honey is
the food of high quality and also
used in manufacturing of medicines.

Honeybee also produces bees wax which has different uses in the industry e.g., in the preparation of cosmetics and polishes of different kinds. There are many species of honey bees which are reared, but the most common species is known as Apis indica.

Importance:--  Bees have the following importance in our life :-

(a) Honey:-  It is a valuable and natural tonic for human body. It contains many substances of high medicinal value. Also prevents infection if applied on a wound.

(b) Pollination:-  These are the pollinators of many crops e.g., Brassica, sunflower, apple.

(c) Medicinal value:-- A drug is prepared from the body of bees and used in the treatment of diptheria.

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