Ans. The succulent or fleshy fruits, which are eatable in general are called edible fruits.
Types of Edible Fruits:-
Following are the types of edible fruits :
1. Drupe: The pericarp (fruit wall) is differentiated into an epicarp (outer), a mesocarp (middle fleshy or fibrous) and an inner endocarp (stony, hard) Mesocarp is edible in these fruits. Example: Mango, peach, coconut (fibrous also).
2. Berry or Beca : - Pericarp is generally juicy and fleshy in these fruits. The epicarp is distinct. The mesocarp and endocarp make the pulp of the fruits. The seeds are scattered in the pulp. The fruits are developed from bicarpellary or polycarpellary (syncarpous) and superior ovary having placentation. Example: Tomato, banana, brinjal.
3. Pepo: - It resembles berry but it develops from polycarpellary, synacarpous ovary having parietal placentation. Bulky mass is edible in these fruits. Example: Water melon, cucumber.
4. Hesperidium:- It resembles the berry but it is developed from a polycarpellary syncarpous ovary having axile placentation. The epicarp remains in the form of outer skin, mesocarp in white threads, endocarp make the membranous partitions. The edible parts are juicy placental having orginated from endocarp. Example: Orange, lemon.
5. Pome:- it is a false fruit, developed from thalamus or the receptacle, it is developed from multicarpellary syncarpous and inferior ovary. The edible part is the juicy, thalamaus. Example: Apple, pear.
6. Balausta : - This develops from a
multi carpellary and syncarpous ovary
having axile placentation. Epicarp forms the outer covering which is hard. The
mesocarp fuses to epicarp. Endocarp
is thin and papery e.g., pomegranate.
Testa of fruit become juicy and is edible part of fruit.