Ans. Following are the differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis:---
(i) It occurs in testes.
(ii) Spermatogonia change to primary spermatocyte.
(iii) A primary spermatocyte divides to form two secondary spermatocytes.
(iv) A secondary spermatocyte divides to form two spermatids.
(V) No polar body is formed.
(vi) A spermatogonium forms four spermatozoa.
Oogenesis :-----
(i)It occurs in ovaries.
(ii)Oogonia change to primary oocyte.
(iii)A primary oocyte divides to form one
secondary oocyte and one polar body.
(iv)A secondary oocyte divides to form one ootid (ovum) and one polar body.
(v)Polar bodies are formed.
(vi)An oogonium forms one ovum (egg).