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Discuss some dairy farm management procedures.Or, What measures would you undertake to improve the quality and quantity of milk production ?

Ans Dairying is the management of animals for milk and its products for human consumption. Management procedures that are employed in dairy farm management are as follows :---
(i) It deals with processes and systems that increase yield and improve quality 
of milk.

(ii) Milk yield is chiefly dependent on the quality of breeds in the farm. 

(iii) Selection of good breeds having high yielding potential, combined with resistance to diseases is very important.

(iv) For the higher yield potential the cattle have to be housed well and fed properly and be maintained disease free.

(v) Strict cleanliness and hygiene (both of the cattle and the handlers) are of vital importance while milking, storage and transport of the milk and its products.

 All the persons concerned with milking and handling of milk must be in good health and must follow procedures consistent with good sanitary techniques.

Therefore, cleanliness and hygiene are most important features of dairy farm management. These can be easily performed by regular inspections, 
keeping the records, identifying and rectifying the problems and maintenance of precautionary measures. A veterinary doctor must be invited regularly to look after the health of farm animals.

Dairy farm management :--  In dairy management, one should deal with processes and systems which will increase the quality and quantity of 
milk. These are as follows :---

• Essential methods for livestock improvement. Health care. Suitable environmental conditions. Resistance
to diseases.. Regular inspections.

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